Thursday, July 14, 2011

how to level up fast!

It is hard to level up fast on fantage, but everyone wants a super high level! here are some quick tips on how to level up faster!

1.) Try to make the high scores list on any game (NOTE: go into a server with not many people to get on the high scores list)

2.)  Give away a lot of stickers ( I do this all the time and I have been leveling up very fast)

3.)  Receive a lot of stickers (just ask random people " will you give me a sticker " trust me it works ;) )

so there are some ways to level up! hope this works! oh and here is my level right now:


  1. wow!! thanks so much!! this really worked! I use to have a level 400, and now i'm the player with the highest level!!! btw, i'm civicprincess :D

  2. civic princess??!?!?!?! really?!

  3. i wish i was a member DD; add me: mushr00mz (on vanilla chinchilla)

  4. How do u enter the writers den and this does work u shud add me im monica448 and my lvl is 1180 and I wnna enter the writers den plz help thanks :))
